Saturday, August 16, 2008


Agency Name : MISSION WAY MANPOWER SERVICES INC. POEA License No. :POEA-492-LB-032304-R Address :1828 SAN MARCELINO ST., MALATE Manila Tel.No. :522-7386; 302-2007; 521-5318Website :

Is a professional human resource and development company that sources, screens, selects, processes, and deploys competent Filipino manpower to any part of the world. To provide jobs for people and people for jobs has been our unchanged and tested goal and philosophy.

We seek to provide quality people and quality services by sourcing from across the country and diverse Filipino Skills and Talents and bringing together the highest caliber employees for overseas deployment. This is attained through professional screening, continual quality control, and computerized applicant inventory. We are also in the training and development of skills.

Client satisfaction is guaranteed. We have established and maintained a strong reputation for dependability and professionalism by providing our clients with exceptional personnel and services.